Tag Archives: genographic

23andme Now $99

Things have been very busy in meatspace in recent months, but I am finally back.

While the submission of data from new participants has really slowed, the release of new software continues unabated. I hope to try some of them (ALDER, MULTIMIX, ADMIXTOOLS, etc.) out and report anything interesting here.

Another disappointment has been the 1000genomes South Asian data which is still nowhere to be seen.

However, 23andme has reduced its regular price to $99 which should induce some of you to test and participate.

The Genographic Project has finally gotten into autosomal testing. If you are South Asian and have received their Geno 2.0 results, I would be interested in your raw data so that I can check how many SNPs it has in common with HarappaWorld.